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We offer a cash-discounted price on many of our items. Please review the list below to see which payment types are eligible for the discount.
Payment methods accepted by are
If you don't completely understand the cash-discount, you may proceed through checkout until the last page*. On the last page of checkout you can preview the total and the discount or non-discounted* prices. We do not receive your personal information unless you complete your order.
Checks and Money Orders should be mailed to:
4417 Cassell Blvd.
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Please verify that your name and order number is included on your payment so that we quickly credit your order.
For to maintain its goal in providing you with the lowest prices and best customer service, you MAY be charged a 10% Cancellation fee for canceling or substituting products on an order.
Personal Check / E-Check Return Fee (NSF)
A $20 fee will be added to your order in the event your check or ACH payment is rejected by your bank.